Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The first (Backa the monkey)

I made this little sock monkey for Catherine for Valentine's Day.  It wasn't a surprise because she saw me working on it, but that was cool because it was so sweet to see how excited she got knowing it was hers and watching the progress.  It was also sweet that she wanted to help add the stuffing, or "helpa" as she would say. 

She pretty much grabbed him away from me the second I finished sewing the body closed and gave him a big hug, while making monkey noises.  Even though with no limbs or facial features he looked more like a bean than a monkey at that point.  It was a while before I could get it back from her to work on it some more.  Every time I would reach a stopping point, monkey would go "backa" (back) into her little hands.  I'm pretty sure that his name is Backa now.

I used an old pair of socks and sort of wung it since I couldn't remember exactly how a real sock monkey is constructed.  So this is my version of a sock monkey, anyway.

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